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In my 30’s I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. The “American Dream” I had been living, slowly became a living nightmare. After rounds of going to doctors, I was committed to a state mental hospital. Life after leaving the hospital was still a struggle.


Recovery will always be an ongoing process. With the help of CASA (Christians Against Substance Abuse), AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), and God I was finally able to admit and face my problems. With the 12 steps I was able to recover my life. Being able to make progress and pick up new chips helped motivate me and find a deeper connection with my higher power.


All forms of art have helped in my ongoing recovery. I chose to draw a unicorn because unicorns stand for hope, love and purity. I used to only identify with unicorns in mythology but as I continue down the road of recovery I have identified and adopted the meanings attached with unicorns to my life and outlook.

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